Monday, September 26, 2005

Chi-Pig Roots Week on PBS

Hello Chi-Pig fans and lovers of popular culture: For those of you who were not able to see us Live at the Library last week following the premiere of Phil Hoffman's excellent documentary, "If You're Not Dead, Play," you can catch the documentary this Wed, the 28th, on PBS Channels 45 & 49, from 8-9 p.m. No, sadly, we will not be in the studio playing live on the breaks, beggging for money--but what a good idea, huh? One solid hour of "Apu Api (Help Me)" featuring local public radio celebrities doing the Apu Dance?! Not this time!

The historian in me also wants to alert you all to the entire week of programming, including documentaries on Bob Dylan, The Beatles, pop and protest, and that formative decade of the 1960s-- a few of Chi-Pig's multifarious influences. Here is the link to the week's schedule:

Sue Schmidt Horning